2175 Seipstown Road Fogelsville, PA 18051 | 610-285-6660
Weisenberg Township

Trash & Recycling

Weisenberg Township Trash
Weisenberg Township residents have the option of taking their household trash, at no cost, to the Waste Management drop-off center located at 2710 Golden Key Road, Kutztown PA 1953.

Hours of operation for residents
Tuesdays - 8am – noon and 1pm – 5pm
Saturdays - 8am – noon


  • Building and Construction Materials
  • Furniture and Appliances
  • Lawn and Garden Waste
  • Motor Oil / Paint / Chemicals or Other Hazardous Waste Products
  • Tires
  • Commercial Business Trash

Materials not considered "Household Trash" may be disposed of for a fee.

There is a limit of 4 bags of household trash per visit. There is no limit on recyclable goods (glass, plastic, newspapers, cardboard).

Weisenberg Township residents also have the option of curbside pick-up. This service is not offered by the Township and fees apply. Homeowner’s can arrange this by contacting haulers directly.

Please note there is NO SMOKING at the drop-off center. Children under 13 years must remain in the vehicle at all times. You must show your driver’s license and sign-in prior to dumping to ensure that you are a resident.

In an effort to better control the traffic congestion stay within the lanes at the transfer station. These lanes simply designate the area in which to park your vehicle while off-loading your materials. The unpainted area is for through traffic only. Again, pull in the painted area facing the road and stage your vehicle within the painted area, leaving the unpainted are for through traffic.

There is also a yellow line painted on the ground of the entrance gate to the trash compactor, we ask that you stay behind the yellow line and wait for the attendant to give you the okay when the compactor is in operation. Thank you for your cooperation.


All Weisenberg Township residents utilizing the free trash drop-off center must recycle. You may drop off recycling materials 24/7 at the center. Please use the appropriate bins and break down and/or flatten your cardboard boxes. Magazines and phone books can be placed in with your newspapers.

Other resources for to recycle items not taken by curbside or the drop off center can be found at www.earth911.com

Responsible Recycling Services is located at 805 Tomahawk Drive, Kutztown PA 19530 and they also take various items. Please contact them for pricing. There will be a cost to you for disposal.

How and where to dispose of paint, old kerosene and pesticides

Please check our website or contact us directly for any upcoming recycling event held for Township residents.

Yard Waste

Weisenberg Township does not accept yard waste however residents can take branches uner 2" in diameter, leaves, shurbs & grass to the following local areas for a small fee. Residents should contact the facility prior to bringing materials in order to schedule a drop-off time and get fees.

Four Springs Farm
9577 Bachelor Road
Kutztown, PA 19530
Call or Text: 484-515-1220 (Cyrus Gehringer)

Stone Haven
2951 Betz Court
Orefield, PA 18069

© Weisenberg Township